DNM, MSc, Nutrition, RNCP, DipHom, CFMP (cand.)

Course by

Marla Samuel


Mastering Functional Lab Testing for Nutritionists

Discover which functional lab tests, standard OHIP lab testing, and home tests, are extremely insightful for creating client-focused recommendations. Charts will be provided outlining the health condition along with the tests that are helpful.

Understand the patterns and connections within many functional lab tests. Hand-out information will be provided.

Learn how to analyze Blood chemistry reports, such as CBC, lipid and metabolic profiles and thyroid panels, and become familiar with the differences between conventional lab ranges and the functional lab ranges.

Gain tools and strategies to empower you to create nutritional, supplemental and lifestyle suggestions using the results of the blood work, functional lab tests, and DUTCH hormone and cortisol testing. Case studies will be discussed.

BONUS: Join the Facebook group to ask your questions anytime. This group is dedicated just to this course so all your questions can be answered in a timely manner.

$540 + HST payable in 2 installments of $270 each + HST

$270.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks